Winters can be brutal to the eastern Pennsylvania area. These months can be challenging for any homeowner. When it comes to heating your home this winter don’t be left out in the cold when it comes to saving energy. Not only from escaping your home but also from preventing your dollars from escaping your wallet.
At Central Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning we’ve been in business for many long winters. Our certified and expert technicians are the pros when it comes to making sure your home’s energy is being used as efficiently as possible. Here are five helpful tips to ensure your home is heating as efficiently as possible.
5 Tips for Energy Efficiency:
- Make sure your thermostat is set to 68-degrees. For every degree you lower your heat in the 60 – 70 degree range, you’ll save up to 5 percent on heating costs. While you may seem chilled at home, wear sweatshirts or sit under blankets. Set the thermostat lower at night and while not home to save even more on heating costs.
- Reduce the temperature for hot water. If your water heater is set to heat the water at 140-degrees this is far too high and could possibly lead to scalding water. Set your water heater to the “normal” setting or 120-degrees Fahrenheit, unless an appliance requires a higher setting. With this quick fix, you can save 7 – 11 percent on water heating costs.
- While your home may seem weatherproof, small leaks around the windows or doors can let cold air creep in. Look for places where you have pipes, vents, or electrical conduits that go through the wall, ceiling, or floor. If you find gaps where the pipes or vents go through the wall, seal it up. Caulk works best on smaller gaps. Your hardware store should have products to close larger gaps.
- Replace or clean furnace filters as recommended. Dirty or clogged filters restrict airflow and increase the use of energy. Contact Central Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning for an annual preventative maintenance program where they can keep your furnace clean, lubricated, and properly adjusted to reduce energy costs and making sure the filters are clean.
- Consider replacing older appliances with newer models that are Energy Star certified. By running an older appliance, water heater, or furnace you are taking a chance for breakdowns and not heating as efficiently as you could. While the costs up front might seem high, the energy savings over time will be a wise investment.
The trusted, professional staff at Central Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning is wise beyond their years. Contact us today for many more helpful advice, preventative maintenance programs, and professional installation. It’s important to heat your home as efficiently as possible this winter. We are here to help. Contact us today!